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Task Outlines, Templates & Resources

Assessment Criteria

Everything your team submits as part of the illuminate:nextgen Challenge is marked against the same set of seven (7) criteria, which has been developed alongside the core skills that the challenge is based upon. Depending on the task, the criteria has different weightings depending on the importance of that particular skill or knowledge for that task, so check the task outlines closely to see what the judges are looking for – and for major tasks, you can download judging rubrics to see what judges are expecting. The criteria are:


  1. Strategy & Organisation
  2. Research & Inquiry
  3. Creativity & Innovation
  4. Financial Interpretation
  5. Communication
  6. Use of Digital Technology
  7. Real World Application
Problem Frame

Due: Group 1 – Tuesday at 1:00 pm | Group 2 – Tuesday at 10:35 am
Purpose: Clearly identify a problem that relates to the Core Challenge that your team will look to solve.
Template: Editable PDF (from virtual Team Binder)
Presentation: Problem Framing


Outline: To help your team move through the Innovation Process, it is critical to be able to identify and explain the problem that your team sees in an easy-to-understand manner. Each team is required to complete a Problem Frame using the following template;

  • [People] need to [Need] because [Importance], but [Gap].
  • People: should be a clearly defined group of people that have this problem.
  • Need: should be a verb that outlines what the People need – an action or a requirement.
  • Importance: is why these People need this Need met in their lives through justification.
  • Gap: outlines why this Need is not being met at the moment.


Requirements: Teams need to post their draft Problem Frame into their team channel, where facilitators will meet with them, ask questions and post feedback. Once teams have refined and had their Problem Frame approved, teams need to submit their final Problem Frames to the resources website.

Assessment Criteria

1. Strategy & Organisation0%
3. Creativity & Innovation0%
7. Real World Application0%
Solution Canvas (optional)

Due: Optional
Purpose: To choose a solution to the Problem Frame that is focused on the impact that will become the team’s solution for the rest of the challenge.
Template: Editable PDF Canvas


Outline: While we often can come up with a lot of creative ideas, it can be difficult to narrow down the choices to choose the idea that will be taken forward into the rest of the challenge. To support this, teams are to complete the Solution Canvas, which will help go through an ideation (creative thinking) process and evaluate the ideas based on their difficulty and impact, in preparation for choosing the idea for the rest of the challenge.


Requirements: Teams can complete the double-sided Solution Canvas (editable PDF version available to download on the Student Resources Page), save the edited the PDF with your thoughts, and upload them individually through the Student Resources page.

Planning Canvas

Due: Group 1 – Tuesday at 02:00 pm | Group 2 – Wednesday at 09:25 am
Purpose: Provide a way of brainstorming elements of the business solution that need to be developed and decided upon.
Template: Editable PDF | Judging Rubric


Outline: As the solution evolves, it is important to also start putting detail into the idea to understand how it could function and what else is needed to make it work. Teams will complete the Planning Canvas to document their thoughts in these areas, understanding the canvas can be added to throughout the program. Teams will also find that by putting more thought into this task will help with the development of the Infographic and Elevator Pitch, and this Planning Canvas is what you will get feedback on during the next step of the challenge.


Requirements: Teams are to complete the Planning Canvas (available as an editable PDF on the Student Resources Page) and take a photo or save the edited PDF, and upload it through the Student Resources page.

Assessment Criteria

1. Strategy & Organisation0%
3. Creativity & Innovation0%
5. Communication0%
7. Real World Application0%
Speed Feedback

Due: Group 1 – Tuesday at 02:15 pm | Group 2 – Wednesday at 09:40 am
Purpose: Teams share their ideas, reflect on the ideas of others for feedback.
Templates: Feedback Form


Outline: Sharing ideas and listening to other ideas is a really important part of the ideation process. Feedback is essential to helping teams improve and reflect on their ideas. During this session, teams will share a draft of their Planning Canvas with other teams, while reading the draft Planning Canvas of other teams and providing them with feedback.


Requirements: Teams will be provided with a copy of another team’s Planning Canvas for feedback.  Each team is then to read through the Planning Canvas(s) of the other team, complete the feedback form and submit their completed form to the Resources Website.

Assessment Criteria

1. Strategy & Organisation0%
5. Communication0%
7. Real World Application0%
Project Outline

Deadline: Group 1 – Tuesday at 03:10 pm | Group 2 – Thursday at 02:30 pm
Purpose: Teams outline their solution clearly for others for investment.
Template: Project Outline


Outline: As teams develop their solutions, they need to outline their solution including the name, strategy, partners, and funding elements of their idea. This is an important step as it is the written outline of the idea that you would share with others to get them on board with your idea, but it is not a long document so focus your words to make an impactful project outline.


Requirements: Teams complete the Project Outline template explaining their solution and submit their completed outline to the Resources Website.


Due: Group 1 – Tuesday at 03:10 pm | Group 2 – Thursday at 02:30 pm
Purpose: Graphically present the business idea in a creative and dynamic manner.
Template: Infographic
Presentation: Public Speaking


While you can write a business plan and present a pitch, sometimes it can be a bit confusing for people to fully understand unless you sketch out how your business works creatively.

Teams are required to graphically present their business idea, making sure you outline:

      1. The cause you are supporting, and how you will create positive outcomes in that area;
      2. What your solution provides to customers
      3. Who your customers are;
      4. How much they could be paying for what you are selling

Further detail will be provided during the Public Speaking presentation.

You need to represent your business idea graphically in a one page Word document or single PowerPoint slide and submit the completed page to the Resources website. 

Assessment Criteria

1. Strategy & Organisation0%
1. Strategy & Organisation0%
5. Communication0%
7. Real World Application0%
Elevator Pitch Presentation

Due: Group 1 – Wednesday at 12 noon | Group 2 – Thursday at 03:00 pm
Purpose: Professionally present your idea for investment and support.
Template: Elevator Pitch Template | Judging Rubric


Outline: Even after all of the hard work in your written documents, it is important to be able to present your idea to stakeholders verbally. Teams are required to present an Elevator pitch presentation within sixty (60) seconds, using the provided template. Teams should focus on sharing the work they have done and clearly present a resolved idea.

Teams record a 60 second pitch following the Task Outline template and submit the MP3 file to the Resources Website.

Assessment Criteria

1. Strategy & Organisation0%
2. Research & Inquiry0%
3. Creativity & Innovation0%
5. Communication0%
6. Use of Digital Technology0%
7. Real World Application0%

Troubleshooting & Helpful Information


If your team is having an issue, work through these three things;


  • Check the Resources website. This website has lots of information on it, so please check the task outlines for any assistance that is already provided.
  • Check Collaborate. You might not be the only team asking this question – so check the recent conversations to see if your question has already been answered.
  • Ask the Facilitators or on Collaborate. If you haven’t found the answer, please ask just ask the question. If you are asking online, please avoid using the direct message feature, as it is useful for other teams to know the answer too.
Expectations For The Challenge

Organisation & Time Management are Critical

  • Attend all sessions on time. Keep track of the time, and make sure you are ready for sessions when they begin to make the most of the information that is shared.
  • Set how you work best. As the challenge progresses, you will be in charge of your own agenda. Consider how you can be productive and get the most out of every team member.
  • Deadlines are strict. If your work is handed in after the deadline, it will get a zero mark. Make sure you plan ahead and keep accountable.
  • Awards Ceremony. There is an awards ceremony at the end of the challenge, and it is a fantastic celebration of everything that you and your team has achieved. Make every attempt to be there.


Use the Resources Provided

  • Use your Team Binder to help. The binder has checklists, outlines for some tasks, and helpful resources. Keep your materials together too within the binder – but don’t lose it!
  • Use Collaborate. Collaborate is our online chat platform that we give access to all teams, to ask questions, get updates and provide assistance throughout the challenge.
  • Use the Resources website. This website has task outlines, templates and much more – make the most of it as these will help you complete the challenge and stay on track.
  • Use technology to access relevant information. You will need to complete research and access other websites to help – use technology productively to make the most of what you can access.


Behaviour Expectations

  • Respect others – within your team, in the program and around us. This goes without saying, and while the challenge provides a different environment, school rules still apply.
Core Challenge

This is the problem or central issue that each team’s solution has to address. Please read the Core Challenge carefully, as your business needs to meet this to be able to win major awards throughout the week.


The global COVID-19 pandemic has seen our world change dramatically and has been ‘make or break’ for many, putting everything to the ultimate resilience test. It is also allowing us to look at everything in a different way. What was previously accepted as ‘normal’is now being questioned, including how we can develop systems and behaviours that prioritise the environment; and the inclusion and wellbeing for everyone in our communities. But while this is the current challenge, it is not just COVID-19 that we need to build our resilience for.  Our world will continue to face many challenges and building resilience is how we can be prepared to cope and work through problems as they occur.  


So what is resilience? For individuals is it about successfully adjusting to major changes, or recovering from illness or adversity.  For communities and organisations it is similar, but with a wider focus on responding to challenges by changing ‘what’ or ‘how’ they do things so that they can continue to exist3. Building resilience is a vital skill that we need for ourselves so we can manage our personal lives and achieve our goals.  Having communities and organisations that are focused on building long-term resilience is also vital so that our world can thrive in the future, regardless of any future challenges.


Your focus for the illuminate:nextgen Challenge is to think about developing a solution that will build resilient individuals, communities, or organisations so that we can all thrive as a world going forward.  This could be a new idea, or a change to a current process, service, product, or design, but use this opportunity and time for fresh thinking to make the change you want to see. It does not need to be focused on the pandemic but could address building resilient individuals, communities, organisation, or our world in any circumstance to see us thrive in the future. 


To fully outline your solution, your team must produce;

  • a project outline that justifies and explains your proposed solution,
  • supporting financial information that proves the viability and benefit of the solution,
  • a pitch deck presentation that gets key stakeholders and the community excited about your solution,
  • an infographic representation of your idea that outlines your thinking and creative approaches to promoting your solution,
  • a number of problem-solving exercises throughout the challenge,
  • and a number of other tasks to help set a strong foundation for the challenge.


Good luck!



  1. ‘We will not go back to normal..” quote by Sonya Renee Taylor, viewed on Brené Brown’s Facebook page   September 2021, <
  2. Foundations for Tomorrow, Awareness to Action Key Findings, viewed September 2021, <
  3. Definition of resilience, obtained from, viewed September 2021, <>
Group 1 | Schedule

Tuesday – Session 01
11:20 am Launch of the Challenge
Creative Thinking
11:35 am Introduction to the Topic
11:50 am Brainstorming
12:15 pm Problem Framing
12:55 pm End of Session Review
01:00 pm Evaluation Forms Due
Problem Frames Due
Tuesday – Session 02
01:35 pm Ideation Workshop
02:00 pm Planning Canvas Due
Speed Feedback session
02:15 pm Speed Feedback Due
03:05 pm End of Session Review
03:10 pm Project Outline Due
Infographic Due
Wednesday – Session 03
11:20 am Welcome to Day 02 Briefing
11:25 am Public Speaking Workshop
12 noon Elevator Pitch MP3 Due
12 noon End of Challenge review and celebration

Group 2 | Schedule

Tuesday – Session 01
08:55 am Launch of the Challenge
Creative Thinking
09:10 am Introduction to the Topic
09:25 am Brainstorming
09:50 am Problem Framing
10:30 am End of Session Review
10:35 am Evaluation Forms Due
Problem Frames Due
Wednesday – Session 02
08:55 am Welcome to Day 02 & Review of Day 01
09:00 am Ideation Workshop
09:25 am Planning Canvas Due
09:25 am
09:40 am
Speed Feedback session
Speed Feedback Due
09:45 am End of Session Review
Thursday – Session 03
01:30 pm Welcome to Day 03 & Review of Day 02
01:35 pm Public Speaking Workshop
02:30 pm Project Outline Due
Infographic Due
03:00 pm Elevator Pitch MP3 Due
03:00 pm End of Challenge review and celebration
Help from a CA with your Financials

Preparing your financial documents can be hard for most people – so illuminate Education have worked closely with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (who are definitely the experts in this space!) to help you out.


There are video guides to help you prepare your financial statements with useful tips along the way that you can use as you develop your statements, as well as heaps of great resources that could help you open up some great career options.


All you need to do is click here and you’ll get access to the resources.

Treat Yo' Shelves

To help teams understand what needs to be completed in the illuminate:nextgen Challenge, the team at illuminate Education Australia have created a sample set of documents for almost all of the submissions in the challenge. They were completed under time pressure so are not perfect submissions in any way – and we believe that as you have more people on your team and more time, you should be able to do far better than what is presented here. However they will give you some insights on what the templates and tasks are asking you to do, and help you stay on track.


The business idea presented is Treat Yo’ Shelves which was developed for our social enterprise challenge, based on a bookstore and cafe space that is a vibrant space for younger people to enjoy, which has a literacy program delivered in the space as well to help people read. Examples of some tasks are below to help you out;